BabelBox Theater is led by Latine artists with a mission is to foster a community of cross-cultural actors and produce plays that promote a multicultural experience and give voice to underrepresented communities of all types in Ohio. Our work emphasizes the visual and aesthetic aspects of performance, and always respects cultural authenticity. 

Our Mission

Core Values

Inclusion. We believe in the inherent humanity and dignity of all people, and exist to give a platform to  people from communities that are often silenced or marginalized. 

Social Relevance. We reflect social issues through creative art to increase individual empathy. 

Innovation. We bring plays that have never been produced in the United States to stages and other  spaces in Cleveland and beyond. We stage theatrical moments in diverse settings, reflecting and  harnessing the beauty of our communities, that surrounds us every day. 

Authenticity. We involve individuals with direct, personal experience on the topic at hand in the  development of our plays, both as actors and production consultants. 

Artistry. We believe that there is art in everyone and everything, which can be emphasized or enhanced  through creative expression. Our productions place equal emphasis on social relevance as on artistry  and beauty in all forms.  

Connection. We create meaningful partnerships with local community organizations, and give our  audiences action steps to take after attending our productions.